BPD and Suicide, Why?

February 22, 2025

Individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) fase a much higher risk of suicide, with rates of 70- 80% attempting suicide at least once in their life. Tragically 10% of these attempts are successful. To put this in perspective, those with Major Depressive Disorder have a suicide rate of 2-4%, while those with schizophrenia have a rate of 5 -10%.

But what drives them to attempt suicide? It's important to understand there are a lot of factors that contribute to this.

  • Intense emotional pain: overwhelming feelings of hopelessness and despair can lead to suicidal ideation. * Emotional Dysregulation: Difficulty managing emotions can cause intense mood swings, increasing the likelihood of suicidal thoughts or behaviors.
  • Impulsivity: When upset people with BPD may act on impulse, engaging in self-destructive behaviors, including suicide.
  • Childhood Trauma: many people with BPD have experienced trauma, substance abuse, domestic violence, neglect, or abuse during childhood, contributing to the development of BPD and increasing the risk of suicide.
  • Difficulty Maintaining Relationships: struggling to form and maintain healthy relationships can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness which increase the likelihood of suicide.
  • Fear of Abandonment: a deep-seated fear of abandonment can drive individuals with BPD to make desperate attempts to avoid rejection, potentially leading to suicidal behaviors.
  • Neurobiological Differences: research suggests that people with BPD have distinct differences in brain structure and function, particularly in the areas related to emotion regulation and impulse control.
  • Chemical Imbalances: differences in serotonin and dopamine production and utilization may contribute to the development of BPD and therefore increase the risk of suicide. BPD is a complex disorder. If we can find a way to reduce the stigma and increase empathy and understanding, we might be able to encourage those struggling with BPD to seek help. By promoting awareness and understanding we will help people with BPD buying the support they need to manage their symptoms reducing the likelihood of suicide.

It's important to remember BPD is not a life sentence. There are effective treatments, that will reduce or even eliminate your symptoms. The therapy DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) takes a commitment. You should expect to spend 2-3 hours a week doing skills training and counseling. The payoff is huge. For me personally, I couldn't continue life. DBT was my last ditch effort, but I did give it an effort. If it could make me symptom free, like it did, and be peaceful and content in life, I would have went longer. The results are that incredible. I encourage others to take dbt, and preferably the module by Marsha Linehan.



About Lisa

Hello!  My name is Lisa, and I am a Borderline.  
Updated on February 22, 2025