One day, I was experiencing some stress and it was dinner time and my mom called me to the kitchen. It was the worst feeling, that I was losing my mind. When I looked at my mom standing by the stove. I could see her, but it was 100% not like my normal line of sight. I could actually see her from the ceiling and was looking down on her, but not only was my perspective up in the ceiling, but it was really foggy up there I was definitely observing her from outside my body's perspective.
It was my first experience with that happening. Since I search for content for my pages, hours every day, I learned a lot about borderline and it's symptoms. So, I recognized the symptoms immediately, which even scared me more. I thought I had just slipped out of my body and into the atmosphere, but I was having trouble getting back inside.
Depersonalization is closely related to derealization, but what does that feel like?
One of the most traumatic events of my life happened, my dad knew I shouldn't be alone so he was there. I remembered hearing the news- well, the first part of the news. There came a point where it was more than I could deal with. I don't remember the rest of the conversation, I do remember asking my dad about 20 times if I was really awake. I had no emotion considering what i just heard. This couldn't be my life it was like I was watching a horrible movie not my life, I must have still been dreaming. I was almost robotically moving with the situation but I didn't believe I was awake, or that this was my life. Depersonalization and derealization can also occur at the same time, so you could have symptoms of both simultaneously. It is important when you experience these symptoms to get medical intervention. When this happened I took myself to the crisis center and they just gave me an antipsychotic and the next day I felt like I was back in my body. We don't have to suffer from these symptoms. Be honest with your provider and if you experience distressing symptoms seek help immediately.